Home / Products / Vacuum Products / ZL212 Series Vacuum Multi-stage Ejector
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ZL212 Series Vacuum Multi-stage Ejector

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ZL212 vacuum generator features a three-stage diffuser structure that provides high suction flow with reduced air consumption, making it ideal for energy-efficient applications. The unit integrates key components such as a built-in vacuum filter, silencer and optional vacuum switches for real-time monitoring.
  • ZL212

  • VPC Pneumatic

Nozzle diameter:
Exhaust specifications:
Vacuum pressure sensor:

Product Description

Product Feature

1. Energy-saving, large flow rate, 3 stage diffuser construction

2. Suction flow rate increased 250% and air consumption reduced 20% with 3 stage diffuser construction (Versus ø1.3, one stage model).

3. Diffusers stacked and integrated Compact size and large flow rate (Twice the flow rate of the ZL112).

4. Built-in vacuum filter and muffler reduce system complexity.

5. Optional vacuum switch to realize real-time status monitoring.


1. Suitable for packaging, electronics, food processing and other fields with high reliability.

2. Supports the flexible use of a variety of industrial automation scenarios.

Product Specifications

Nozzle diameter1.2 mm x 2
Maximum suction flow rate200 L/min (ANR)
Air consumption126 L/min (ANR)
Max. vacuum pressure-84 kPa
Max. operating pressure0.7 MPa
Supply pressure range0.2 to 0.5 MPa
Standard supply pressure0.4 MPa
Working temperature5 to 50℃


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